Thank you for your generous donation to our school! Your giving helps us to continue to our mission to serve our students by providing an exceptional education with Christ at the heart. You can give by either mailing a check or instantly though secure online giving.
Give by Mailing a Check
Checks made out to Immaculate Conception Catholic School can be mailed to: 601 S. Douglas Ave, Three Rivers, MI, 49093.
Online Giving
You can give instantly and securly using the online giving form below. You can give once or sign up for recurring giving. You can also select from the following accounts:
Trust Fund - Provides long term financial asssitance to the school and assists with the education subsity currently received by students.
Scholarships - Provides financial assistance to students so that no student is denied a Catholic education due to tutition costs.
Sisters of St. Joseph Legacy Fund - Provides for the long term stability of our school by assisting with oporating costs, school improvements, and student / staff support.
Thank you so much for your generous donation to our school!
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